ASB Funding FAQs

ASB SAF logo.jpg

Are we eligible for funding?

If you are a Registered Student Organization (RSO), have been active for no less than 30 calendar days and have no outstanding debts to the university, then YES! We look forward to reviewing your requests.

Do all events need to be registered?

Yes, if you are requesting for funding for an event whether virtual or in person, it must be registered through the ForUM before you can be approved for funding.

How do I know what budget request to choose?

There is a summary of each type of request as you select your request on the ForUM. Also check out the Types of RSO Funding page for more information.

How far in advance should we request funding for an event?

No less than 10 business days in advance of the event. It is best to submit your request early; we recommend 2 weeks prior to when you need funding by.

What happens after we receive our approval email?

Email the ASB Treasurer to set up your purchasing plan. Keep in mind the purchasing process can take up to 2 (two) weeks contingent upon the item(s) being purchased and the current purchasing schedule.

What happens if we are denied funding?

If an RSO is denied funding, they have the right to appeal a decision to the ASB Judicial Council.

If we have already paid for something for our event, can we receive a reimbursement?

No. Unfortunately ASB cannot retroactively reimburse organizations for items not pre-approved by the Treasury Department.

What are some acceptable forms of documentation?

Unpaid invoiced; contracts that state specific amounts, dates, times, people, etc.; screenshots of online shopping carts with exact quantity and prices with cart totals that match; flyers with SAF logo; list of attendees; list of students who will benefit from the items requested; documentation that the event has been registered; etc.

How much funding can we receive for t-shirts, sweatshirts, polos, etc?

An organization may receive up to $20 per item per student. (Ex. If the item costs 18 dollars, we can pay the full price; if the item costs $22 dollars, the SAF can pay $20 of that amount, and the remaining balance must be paid by the organization.) The additional proper documentation must also be submitted in order to obtain funding.

Can we request funding for items we intend to reuse over their useful life?

Yes! However, ASB needs written confirmation that these items will become university property and will be stored on university grounds and will remain under the jurisdiction of the RSO’s faculty advisor.

What about Tax?

The University of Mississippi is tax-exempt. Therefore, all requests should be void of tax liabilities. Ask for an itemized invoice or quote that is tax exempt when requesting appropriate documentation for your funding request.

How many times can we request funding?

An RSO has an unlimited number of times that they can request funding, but it is important to note that the Treasury Department has the right to cease funding an organization, if the department feels the RSO is not using funds responsibly. In addition to this, there is an internal cap of $6,000 for Student Organization Allocations per semester that serves as a benchmark for when an organization runs the risk of being exempt from further funding.

Why can we not include the words “holiday,” “party,” “celebration,” or names of specific holidays in our event title?

It is important to think about the objective of your event when requesting funding. If you are merely celebrating a holiday or throwing a party, ASB is prohibited from funding such events. However, if you are planning a “cultural night” that highlights and informs individuals on the aspects of a holiday and you can prove such notion, then these events enable to student body to learn and thus can be funded by ASB.

Can we request money for items we plan to sell or donate?

No.  ASB will not fund items that are intended to be sold, resold, or donated. All items funded by ASB are required to be used and/or reused by the organization that requested funding for such items.

Do we need a flyer for our event?

Yes, a flyer/proof of advertisement is required, especially for open events. Your flyer must include the SAF logo; it does not have to be large, but it does have to be present. If you are advertising on Instagram, tag @olemissasbtreasury in your post.

Do we need a roster of attendee?

Yes. As a good rule-of-thumb, all events should submit a roster. A list of names (first and last) and student email addresses should be included on the “Roster” document, and should be submitted through the ForUM under the “Roster” section of the budget tab. For open and closed events, an organization roster that includes names and student email addresses should be submitted. For conferences/professional development, a roster with a list of the names and student email addresses of ONLY ATTENDEES should be submitted. For promotional materials requesting clothing items, a roster with the names and student email addresses of ONLY THOSE ORDERING ITEMS should be submitted.

Can we request funding for registration fees, conference fees and any other external fees required by our national organization or event we would like to attend?

Yes. Actually we can cover up to 95% of these fees. However, if the fee includes travel and lodging, that portion of the fee will be subtracted from the total amount that can be funded, as ASB cannot fund travel and lodging. It is important to reach out to the event director and get an itemized list of the items associated with the fee so ASB can fund you appropriately.

When can I expect my request to be reviewed and when will I hear back about my request?

The Treasury Department reviews requests on Mondays at 4:00PM. Your organization can expect a decision on your request no later than the following Tuesday at 5:00PM. The decision will either be approval, denial, or a request for additional actions/information. In order for your request to be reviewed in a timely manner, please submit your request through the ForUM by 12:00PM noon on the Sunday prior to the Monday you’d like your request reviewed.

Items that do not qualify for funding:

Below is a list of items that will not receive funding from ASB. Keep this sheet with you when you are making your request to eliminate the possibility of being denied funding.

  1. Items for faculty members. This includes items like t-shirts or gifts for faculty of the University of Mississippi. This excludes plaques and awards given as recognition for service to a faculty member of the University of Mississippi.

  2. Decorations. Items to be used for decorations are prohibited from being funded in accordance with IHL rules.

  3. Gifts and giveaways. This includes gift cards, prizes and item giveaways. For example, items like cups or t-shirts given to students cannot be funded by ASB.

  4. Events that require ticket purchases. If your event requires that people purchase tickets, ASB cannot fund your event unless you agree to the ASB Profit Agreement that states any funds you receive from ASB must be paid back in full from the money you collect from admission. It is best to not charge admission and accept donations for a cause.

  5. Tickets. This includes tickets for your event. This excludes registration fees for an event your organization would like to attend, this is different.

  6. Fundraisers. ASB cannot fund events that are fundraisers for your organization.

  7. Reoccurring food expense. RSO’s are allotted funding for food for the two closed events permitted each year. If your organization would like food at you regular meetings, ASB will not fund this.

  8. Salary. This is different from a speaker fee. This includes salaries for individuals inside and outside of your organization. For example, you would like to host a baseball game and the field rented requires an umpire to be on duty. The amount being paid to the umpire is considered a salary and thus cannot be funded by ASB.  A second example: an event that has security personnel present. The expense for these individuals cannot be funded.

  9. Facilities. This includes spaces not owned by the University. For example, if you have items and would like to store them in a storage unit, ASB cannot fund the monthly payment for storage fees. This category excludes room rentals for an event, which ASB is more than happy to fund.

  10. Animals. ASB will not provide funding for the purchase of or medical care of any animals.

  11. Events that occur during university breaks. All events that receive funding must occur while the university is open.

  12. Flowers. ASB will not fund real or imitation flowers.

  13. Items not permitted on campus. These include but are not limited to: Alcohol, drugs, tobacco, weapons, firearms, and any paraphernalia related to these items and bartending services.


Due to this, there are items that cannot be funded that are not on this document. If you have a question about whether or not an item may be funded, consult with the ASB Treasurer or Comptrollers for help.