registered student organizations (RSO) can request funding from the student activity fee to assist in fulfilling their purpose and impacts on campus.


How to Submit a Funding Request

1. Go to The Forum homepage and sign in with your MyOleMiss username and password.

2. Scroll down on the homepage to find your list of organization memberships and select the organization you wish to request funding for. (my membership in ASB is being used for an example here!)

3. On your organization homepage, select the manage organization tab.

4. Select the three lines in the left hand corner of the screen. Scroll down the drop down menu and select the Finance tab. Only those labeled as either the President or Treasurer of the organization will have access to the Finance tab.

5. In the right hand corner of the screen, select the button that states Create a New Request and select Create New Budget Request.

6. Select which Funding Request you would like to apply for.

7. Answer all questions on the Funding Request thoroughly to the best of your ability.

8. Pay close attention to the documentation step. All documentation must be uploaded on the form linked in the last question of the request (shown below). This could include but is not limited to: promotional materials for events, lists of students attending events, list of students receiving items, proofs of prices, or event registration details. All organizational open event promotional materials must include the logo below.

ASB SAF logo.jpg

Above are the instruction within the Funding Request. Below is the linked form to upload all necessary documentation. Documentation must be submitted for your request to be reviewed!

doc 2.PNG

9. Submit your request!