Secretary Ethan Robertson


The ASB Secretary serves as the minute-keeper for all meetings of the executive officers, alongside those of the President’s Cabinet, and maintains the active member list of the ASB members. The Secretary also serves in duality as the Senate Clerk and is charged with maintaining the voting and attendance records of all senators.


Major: Political Science

Hometown: Pontotoc, MS


The Secretary’s Department assists the Secretary by preserving the minutes for all meetings of the Executive and Legislative Branches. The Department maintains an accurate voting and attendance record of all senators and oversees the operations of the ASB Office located in the Student Union.


Operations: Imanie Hartman

Programming: JD Wilcher & Jake Vineyard

Marketing: Braxton Dagg

Public Relations: Cole Helmcamp

Executive Affairs: Lily Aukamp

Legislative Affairs: Brooklyn Hall & Gracie McGaugh

Philanthropy: Riley O’Neal

Involvement: Kayce Hunter

Campus Outreach: Jena Brown